Sponsors of Awesome:

Columbia Tower Club

Awesome Seattle

See last event's people

The Hall of Awesome

Here's the collection of people who have declared themselves for Being Awesome is Awesome Fest, and is chock full of reasons YOU should be excited to meet the folks there. When you declare yourself you'll be able to weigh in on whom exactly YOU are excited to meet and collaborate with, and thus have sway over the list of attendees.

Meet Kristina Larry

Primary Superpower: Creativity
Other Super Powers: X-ray vision
Gets Stoked About: Cooking, traveling, fashion, helping others
Bio: "I am a sassy legal visionary by day super hero by night. I enjoy being creative and finding innovative ways to help people. I currently volunteer with 3 organizations and I'm looking forward to a new project."

Meet Alex Currier

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Jacob Hodge

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Junvi Ola

Primary Superpower: Damn good copywriting
Other Super Powers: Pretty design skillZ (using my secret weapon - Canva.com!)
Kick-ass networker
Gets Stoked About: Eating my way through the PNW, exploring across the US and abroad, animal conservation.
Bio: "I work with hotels, resorts and other travel companies around the globe and help them entice travelers with wanderlust-inducing copy. Check out some of my work here: hospitalitycontentstudio.com/"

Meet Matthew Wendland

Primary Superpower: I faithful support and empower people.
Other Super Powers: I allegedly know how to get the job done in tight situations when the pressure is on.
I am an investigative journalist with plenty of experience with media, small businesses, economic development and most importantly, making delicious coffee.
Gets Stoked About: Making something come together to be beautiful, mind blowing and awesome. Also, coffee, beer, design and the great PNW.
Bio: "My awesomeness all stems from my desire to help people realize their dreams and goals by supporting them, encouraging them and giving them whatever tools I can offer to help. I've been a journalist and small business consultant for years and I make delicious speciality coffee while hosting the community at my shop, Burien Press. I love Burien and the Pacific Northwest and even though I'm an introvert, I can't help but really love people."

Meet Scarlett Hao

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Michael Maddux

Primary Superpower: I know my way around giving a speech
Other Super Powers: I allegedly have pretty good relations with a few local media groups
I have been accused of writing decent or better opinion pieces
Gets Stoked About: Parks! Labor!
Bio: "I'm a candidate for City Council that is relying on small donors, and once fronted a punk band that opened for Reel Big Fish. Before this candidate business, I was part of a community group that put together a proposal that became the Seattle Park District, guaranteeing funding for parks and community centers in Seattle for generations to come! This was on top of numerous other instances where I have been lucky enough to be part of groups effectively advocating for progressive, pro-people, change in our communities!"

Meet Mercedes Elizalde

Primary Superpower: A mind for strategy - being with the end in mind
Other Super Powers: I will always forget where I put my keys but I never forget a face
I actually CAN be in two places at once (sorta)
Gets Stoked About: Affordable Housing, community stewarship
Bio: "I work 9-5 supporting programs that meeting people's immediate needs and I volunteer from 5-9 building strategies to support greater equity, access and justice to work myself out of a job. And I have decided to take that work to the next level by running for Seattle City Council in the new District 5! I am a realist and an eternal optimist. I know how rough it is out there but I know it's all going to be OK. See more about me - www.votemercedes.com (bio, blog stuff and other info)"

Meet Linda Lowry

Primary Superpower: Super Connector
Other Super Powers: Persuasive Motivator/Organizer
Maverick Writer
Gets Stoked About: Fashion Technology, art & music accessibility for children, air quality control
Bio: "No fear, no boundaries. Collectively we can make things happen, I'm a super organizer and motivator and when I have a vision of a project I recruit super stars to make it happen, this way everyone is feeling gratitude and the end result is accomplished."

Meet Ryan Farmer

Primary Superpower: I can create anything out of nothing!... On a computer
Other Super Powers: I can talk to dogs, but they don't talk back
I can talk to girls, but they don't talk back
Gets Stoked About: Technology
Bio: "I'm a developer that, when focused, can create anything. I never stop working and strive for success in ALL of the things that I do."

Meet Holly Garrabrant

Primary Superpower: Installation Art and Drawing
Other Super Powers: Curation, Exhibition, and Marketing
Grant Writing
Gets Stoked About: I am passionate about providing an exhibition space and materials for the homeless to create works, using my network and database skills in future arts projects, and community gardening.
Bio: "My spirit guide is Danae, from Doonesbury. I am a leptological artist. As the Director of West Central Episcopal Arts Center, I am frequently asked to utilize my creative writing skills to write artist statements for other people."

Meet Sue Beller

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Eliav Cohen

Primary Superpower: I connect people
Other Super Powers: I get people empowered and into action
When I say I will do something, it is a done deal.
Gets Stoked About: Hot air balloning, Raising wild amounts of money for charity, Throwing iron chef parties(cooking)!
Bio: "I fly hot air balloons, run a new startup, and at one point in my life I was a street performer juggling knives and fire."

Meet Anjali Englund

Primary Superpower: Engaging others in creating social change!
Other Super Powers: Raising money for nonprofits!
Planning and hosting events!
Gets Stoked About: Social justice, equity, ending hunger.
Bio: "I connect people who care with causes that matter through my enthusiasm, passion for social justice, and ability to turn ideas into actions. I put these skills to work at Ventures, a nonprofit that builds businesses and changes lives; learn about us at venturesnonprofit.org. When I am not working, I am being awesome by volunteering on the Board of the Rainier Valley Food Bank or encouraging my friends to create positive social change through advocacy and action."

Meet Matthew Bennett

Primary Superpower: Action/execution
Other Super Powers: Motivating the masses
Playing defense
Gets Stoked About: Doing what people said couldn't be done
Bio: "Raised millions of dollars for a wide variety of charities/nonprofits. Sold over 5,000,000 books as an author. Can get inside almost anyone's office (and I'm not a burglar)."

Meet Lily Cohen

Primary Superpower: Growing a human being
Other Super Powers: Taking people out of people
Cooking delicious food
Gets Stoked About: Women's Health and Travel
Bio: "I love my job--women's health care by day, helping bring beautiful babies into the world by night (and day). I've lived on three continents (and traveled to five so far...), which has helped me develop quite a repertoire for languages. Lastly, I'm a badass in the kitchen, able to whip up amazing meals from meager fridge contents."

Meet Thor Radford

Primary Superpower: Fantastic photographer!
Other Super Powers: Great short video producer and director
Amazing motivator and "up" person!
Gets Stoked About: Learning, visual media
Bio: "I love people and love to help make awesome stuff! My personal favorite thing to do is to create awesome images and videos that excite and engage people for marketing. I love improvisation and am really energized by seeing how other people work and what they are into."

Meet Seth R. Connell

Primary Superpower: Innovation Management
Other Super Powers: Storytelling/Empowerment
Consciousness Engineering
Gets Stoked About: Aquaponics/Urban Farms/Vertical Farms/Planet Healing. These are the future, my passions/careers, and I'll die very old in a much better world from accomplishing them all.
Bio: ""My awesomeness stems from patience. As a kid I learned to take the time I spent waiting for people to show up, or class to end and use those opportunities to finish homework and art. Having evolved that work-smart mentality, I now have a wealth of experience that drives my passion to create a healthy, happy, and AWESOME planet for everyone to live on."

Meet Cho Lim

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Pina Smith

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Miguel Jimenez

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Richard Toms

Primary Superpower: Networker
Other Super Powers: Networker
Looking for it
Gets Stoked About: Providing reusable artificial limbs to amputees in developing countries
Bio: "Providing reusable artificial limbs for 100 amputees in Sierra Leone west Africa. www.Limbsforu.org"

Meet Steve Hilbert

Primary Superpower: Connecting people
Other Super Powers: Rallying people around a cause
Public Speaking
Gets Stoked About: Travel, making a difference, green tech, big solutions!
Bio: "I enjoy solving problems and finding ways around obstacles. I am good at analyzing "risk" to the project and identifying problems early. I enjoy working with people!"

Meet Johnna Lynn

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Cynthia Dee

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Selena Rushton

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Matt Coppins

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Melinda Raebyne

Primary Superpower: Turning an idea in to a reality.
Other Super Powers: Great producing skills.
Gets Stoked About: Helping w Dreams. Traveling. Natural Wonders.
Bio: "I can take an event idea and make it a reality with figuring out how to collaborate with other organizations to make it better then the original idea. For example, last year I was the Seattle Latino Film Festival Event Director and I'm heavily involved in the NW Film Community as a actor and producer. I combined the two areas along with working with some other local businesses and for the first time ever the Seattle Latino Film Festival had a sold out Red Carpet Opening Night at the SAM."

Meet Sam Osborne

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Larry Longtelder

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet Carol Olivier

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet John Larson

Primary Superpower: Building interactive web apps
Other Super Powers: Loving on and celebrating the radness of people
Coaching folks to fulfill on their potential
Gets Stoked About: Talent and inspiration levereged to make a positive difference in the world.
Bio: "I'm handy at making cool interactive stuff on the web. Beyond making this site, I’ve single-handedly built www.coachaccountble.com, platform for coaching which is positively thriving. The freedom that has given me has me delighted to play in causing more awesome in the world."

Meet Linda Bennett

Primary Superpower: Connecting
Other Super Powers: Willingness to help
Project manager
Gets Stoked About: Linda Bennett
Bio: "My greatest awesomeness is sharing people awesomeness to others, supporting them in which ever way is best to fit their needs."

Meet Chris Wade

Primary Superpower: Dimensional Thinking
Other Super Powers: PowerPoint
Golf Trivia
Gets Stoked About: A full round of golf. Anywhere.
Bio: "You can find out everything about me here at about.me/chris_wade. And I totally changed my LinkedIn profile tagline to "Causer of Awesome". Yes, I was sober at the time. ;-)"

Meet Beto Yarce

Primary Superpower: Conecting people
Other Super Powers: I can start a business with $250
Creative and pasionate
Gets Stoked About: Micro small business and economic development for underserve communites!
Bio: "I am determined to find opportunities to challenge professional abilities and desires, I like to connect people and mentor and coach new leaders, I am committed to educating other minority entrepreneurs on prosperous business practices so they may continue to have a positive impact in their own community. www.venturesnonprofit.org www.cintli.com"

Meet Kevin Clark

Primary Superpower: Beerness
Other Super Powers: Tallness
Gets Stoked About: Beer, Food, Anthony Bourdain
Bio: "I work for Big Sky Brewing. Love the outdoors. I like people."

Meet Jason Lowry

Primary Superpower:
Other Super Powers:
Gets Stoked About:
Bio: ""

Meet William Rodriguez

Primary Superpower: Masetr mind
Other Super Powers: Ability to overcome Obstacles
Can bring people together
Gets Stoked About: music
Bio: "I am awesome do to working with people and helping accomplish goals were there is no other help !!!"

Meet Elise Koncsek

Primary Superpower: Making amazing creations with limited resources
Other Super Powers: Practical and artistic creativity
Gets Stoked About: Immersive interactive public art, sustainability, happy lives for everyone
Bio: "I'm on a mission to create ever bigger and better immersive interactive public art projects. With the help of the Seattle Awesome Foundation grant, I just completed a giant adult-scale (but kid-friendly) slug-shaped jungle gym, and I've got a bunch of other installation pieces in mind, ready to jump on. See some of my past work at koncsek.com/public-art"